Beethoven 4 and Anna Clyne

Sun Valley Pavilion 300 Dollar Rd, Sun Valley, Idaho, United States

In between two of the most famous classical works ever written (his third and fifth symphonies), Beethoven produced this gem of a composition. Light, airy, and approachable, it certainly warrants more love; Schumann called it “a slender Greek maiden between two huge Nordic giants.” Can a piece of music be mournful and elegiac, somber and grieving, while also exquisitely beautiful, even radiant, and full of life? Give a listen to Anna Clyne’s ode to her mother, Within Her Arms, and see what you think.

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Time for Three plays Mason Bates

Sun Valley Pavilion 300 Dollar Rd, Sun Valley, Idaho, United States

Sun Valley favorites Time for Three return to perform a new concerto written for them by Mason Bates. Titled Silicon Hymnal, Bates describes it as “an electro-acoustic book of songs.” The program opens with Berlioz’s Roman Carnival Overture, an exuberant piece full of dance themes inspired by the composer’s time in Italy and the best themes from his first opera.

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Soloist Recital

Community School Theater 1 Community School Drive, Sun Valley, ID, United States

Students from the one-week summer program for grades 2-12 who are selected by audition present previously prepared works showcasing their individual talents.

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