Vocal ensembles are taught in partnership with the Blaine County School District. No registration fees are charged for the classes and students may qualify for an elective credit through Wood River High School. These ensembles are taught by Music Institute faculty with the cooperation and assistance of the school music teachers.
High school
Comprehensive Program
The comprehensive program in piano includes individual instruction, group classes and performances, and supports school music programs
Individual Instruction
- Students take weekly private lessons with Music Institute faculty
- Lesson times are determined by the instructor and are 30, 45 or 60 minutes in length depending on the student’s ability level and individual needs
- Semi-private and group lessons are sometimes used to fit the student’s needs
- Financial aid is available
Group Classes
- Group classes and/or ensembles are a required part of the curriculum
- Piano Group Classes are scheduled on Saturdays in conjunction with individual lessons
- Group classes may also include piano technique, performance preparation, and master classes
- Students participate in departmental recitals, National Federation of Music Clubs Festival and Certificate of Achievement
School Programs
- Piano students are encouraged to support their school music programs through core performing arts classes (Band, Orchestra, Choir, Drama) or before/after school programs (Jazz Band, vocal or string ensembles)
The comprehensive voice program includes individual instruction, group classes and performances, and supports school music programs
Individual Instruction
- Students take weekly private lessons with Music Institute faculty
- Lesson times are determined by the instructor and are 30, 45 or 60 minutes in length depending on the student’s ability level and individual needs
- Financial aid is available
Group Classes
- Group classes and/or ensembles are a required part of the curriculum, participation in the B-Tones, Enchanté or Colla Voce may fulfill the ensemble requirement
- Fundamentals of Voice is offered weekly to High School vocal students and teaches sight singing, aural skills, and music theory
- Other classes may include performance preparation and master classes
- The schedule varies based on teacher and student availability
- Students participate in departmental recitals and the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival
School Programs
- It is expected that all students in the Music Institute vocal programs participate in their parallel school music program (i.e. Choir)
The comprehensive string program includes individual instruction, group classes and performances, and supports school music programs
Individual Instruction
- Students take weekly private lessons with Music Institute faculty
- Lesson times are determined by the instructor and are 30, 45 or 60 minutes in length depending on the student’s ability level and individual needs
- Financial aid is available
Group Classes
- String ensembles are a part of the comprehensive music education experience and are a required part of the curriculum
- Students may fulfill this requirement with small ensembles (quartets, trios, etc.) that meet for weekly coaching sessions and weekly independent rehearsals, and/or by being a mentor in Sinfonia Honor Orchestra weekly (or as scheduled)
- Other classes for high school string students may include performance preparation and master classes
- Students participate in departmental recitals and the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival
School Programs
- It is expected that all students in the Music Institute string programs participate in their parallel school music program (i.e. Orchestra)
Vocal ensembles
Join one of the most committed, supportive, and popular groups on campus!
- No audition required
- The B-Tones meets twice each week to prepare songs to be performed around the area
- All students must be an active participant in a high school band, choir or orchestra
Join a group of talented women committed to finding the joy in singing!
- No audition required
- Enchanté is not designed to replace participation in the larger high school choirs, but rather to augment that work
- The group meets twice weekly and enjoys many opportunities to perform around the area
Program Fees and Financial Aid
To Apply for the Comprehensive Program:
- Students are accepted into the Comprehensive Programs year-round
- Contact the Music Institute office for an application packet: education@svmusicfestival.org
To Register for Enchante or B-Tones:
- Registration for Enchante of B-Tones happens the first week of school, look for flyers and information in the choir room and around campus.
- Talk to your high school choir director or contact the Music Institute office for more information at:education@svmusicfestival.org
Donors to the Sun Valley Music Festival provide support to underwrite its education programming. While group opportunities are provided free of charge, students are billed directly for private lessons (at subsidized rates).
Financial support and scholarships are available to motivated, committed students with proven financial need. Click here to download a Financial Aid Application or contact the Music Institute for financial aid information at
Comprehensive Program:
Annual Registration/Materials Fee: $50
Private Lesson Fees: contact Music Institute for current rates
Enchanté and B-Tones:
These ensembles are offered in partnership with Wood River High School; there are no fees.