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National Hispanic LatinX Festival Performance

Saturday, September 18, 2021, 1:00 PM MDT

Roberta McKercher Park

Special event

Wood River High School vocal ensemble, Colla Voce

Brad Hershey, bass

Rudolph Kremer, violin

R.L. Rowsey, piano

Max Stimac, percussion

Sun Valley Music Festival faculty and musicians team up with Wood River High School music educators and students for an ensemble performance of fun, eclectic, Latin-inspired music as part of the 4th annual National Hispanic Heritage Month festivities.

The cultural festival takes place from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM and will feature musical performances, activities and piñatas, food and beverages, and exhibits. The Sun Valley Music Festival’s performance will take place at 1:00 PM.

Programming to be announced from the stage


Roberta McKercher Park
810 3rd Avenue South
Hailey, ID 83333 United States
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